Monday, August 17, 2015

The Honeycomb Hideout Episode 29: ACTUAL Shapes and Sizes!

Alright, 'Combies! After a bit of a hiatus and a lot of kitbashing, we're back to discuss yet another controversial topic: the female anatomy and how it's conveyed in the media! But to cover our bases, we actually have a woman on the show to help rein us in a bit (if that's possible). Artist Katie Hodges joins Joe, Mark and Nik in the Hideout to talk about this very controversial and yet extremely important issue in regards to art and media. So come on down and see where this particular rabbit hole leads!

Download this episode (right click and save)

And for those playing the home game, to follow along with the discussion, here are the relevant articles in the order they are discussed:
Huffington Post article
Empowerment vs Objectication comic strip
Milo Manara Spider-Woman variant cover
Catwoman #0 cover

As for the later pictographic descent into madness, here are those links...