Thursday, July 14, 2016

The Honeycomb Hideout Episode 36: IT'S A WORK OF FICTION! or The Seinfeldian Melee

 Alright, 'Combies! We're about to do something a little bit different. This time... it's a show about nothing. The boys are just hanging out and shooting the shit without any real aim or topic. Yeah, you'll see how long that lasts! They talk about the current "Captain America/Hydra" conspiracy, social conventions and more shit we maybe shouldn't talk about but are really going to talk a lot about. This is a show you'll not want to miss, 'Combies, because this is the show where we finally earn the monnicker of "Howard Stern for Geeks". So come on down and watch the magic! The awkward and periodically dark magic.

And as usual, for context...

As always, enjoy and make sure the kiddies are out of the room. This is an 18+ podcast.  ;)

Download this episode (right click and save)