Friday, February 16, 2018

The Honeycomb Hideout Episode 51: The Trope-a-Dope

Alright, 'Combies! After our recent milestone (see the last episode), we decided to take a bit easy for this episode and moved our natural analysis towards something a bit broader. Looking over the broad spectrum of fictional media, for this episode, we're looking at tropes. That's right, tropes; cliches and concepts that we've seen pop up in book after book, movie after movie, etc. There's a lot of them out there, so ya' boys decided to address the ones that we like and the ones that we loathe. Also, get ready to learn some interesting stuff about our esteemed host. It's a hoot this time around, so come on down and let's get into it!

Download this episode (right click and save)

 And don't forget, 'Combies, you can also find The Honeycomb Hideout on iTunes for the Apple-users in our audience!

For references to what we discuss this episode: Super Saiyan Satan (as seen above), Gwendoline Christie stands above her castmatesThe OC: Mmmm whatcha say, and of course, Feels Goodman.  :D

And feel free to hit up your boys on the social media!
Joe: Twitter and Instagram
Drew: TwitterInstagram, and Twitch
Paul the Engineer: Twitter and Instagram