Wednesday, February 15, 2017

The Honeycomb Hideout Episode 42: The Drunkcast 1: Can't we all just get along?

The first episode of 2017 is here and the wait is over. THE TIME HAS COME!!! The boys have been talking about it for months now and now they're dousing you with it! That's right, it's the DRUNKCAST!! And what a time for it. With a new president carving out his "legacy" even before he takes office now finally having taken office, there's been a reaction and it will not be ignored. And they're going to drunkenly talk about it (and somehow manage to be poignant too)! With "the Audience" in tow and between the Women's March, the Illuminati, more Marvel fanning out, and Sad John Cena, this particular assembly is definitely a thing to hear! The overall thing to take from this? We're all in this together, y'all. So come on down and pour yourselves a drink because the boys are already ahead of you!

*Disclaimer: All participants in this podcast are over the age of 21 and no driving took place immediately after either. So yeah, always partake responsibly, everybody!

Download this episode (right click and save)

And of course, here be the links!!

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